Monday, January 3, 2011

Detox, De-stress, Decaffeinate

Day 1 of the detox week has been a success.  For lunch, I brought a whole stack of stuff (pictured right) - spinach salad with chicken, sliced kiwi, a banana, almonds, and some rice cakes - because I'm supposed to have 5-6 small meals per day.  To be honest, I've still felt hungry most of the day, and a lingering (coffee withdrawal?) headache has plagued my afternoon (I even had 2 cups of green tea, but I guess it didn't help).  I powered through it and was excited to check out the exercise portion of the plan.  Well, the "goal" was to walk for 10 minutes straight.  I'm no athletic superstar, but, as someone pointed out, I'm a lot more advanced than "trying" to walk for 10 minutes without stopping, and I don't want to take any backwards steps in terms of my fitness.  So instead, I jogged around the neighborhood for a little over 10 minutes. 

Another part of today's challenge was to start with a simple yoga routine.  The moves are very simple but are a good way to transition into regular yoga practice. 

One more thing - the media fast!  It took a great deal of willpower, but I haven't turned on the TV all day.  The internet is a bit trickier because I rely on it for blogging and keeping up with the challenge, but beyond that I'm cutting down on the time I spend surfing around aimlessly on Facebook and on other people's blogs.


  1. Wow, I han not realized you posted so much! I love all of it. I am not going to do the super plan, but if you say it is good it might be a consideration for Lent.
    Hang in there, and I hope the headaches get better,

  2. Thanks. I felt fine today and yesterday! Hope it keeps up. I'm glad you like my posts... the challenge is motivating me to be more consistent with writing.
