Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Last Supper

Happy 2011! New Years is one of my favorite holidays, mostly because I love new beginnings and the limitless feeling I have at the start of each year.  This year, I didn't make a long list of resolutions like I usually do (it's funny how they start to look the same year after year...) but I am planning to attempt Whole Living's 28-Day Mind and Body Challenge.  As described on the site, the challenge is a way to "purify, fortify, and leave you healthy and refreshed in 2011."  The plan includes guidelines for diet, exercise, and overall mind and body wellness to jumpstart your year.  This challenge is a little intimidating, which is why I haven't attempted it other years, but I'm planning to just take it day by day and do my best.    

Week 1 starts tomorrow.  The focus of Week 1 is to eliminate common allergens and simplify my life.  For diet, this means no gluten, no caffeine, no soy, no dairy, no added sugar, no alcohol, and the list goes on.  After Week 1, I'll reintroduce these foods one by one.  I thought this aspect might be helpful for me because I may be able to pinpoint foods that cause my chronic headaches.  This week also includes a media fast... as in, no TV and limited internet time.  Exercise is part of the plan, but I think this week's routine is fairly gentle.
For better or for worse, I felt like tonight was my last chance to indulge before the detox.  Naturally, a trip to the video store to snag Eat, Pray, Love for the night was in order (I assume movies are off limits for the media fast?).  I know I'll probably be cooking my own food for the next few weeks, so I hit up Subway for a quick dinner.

Bread, My Love

I know, I know, turkey on wheat isn't exactly a splurge, but I still savored my parting moments with gluten.

Another part of Week 1 is adding an extra hour of sleep by going to bed 10 minutes earlier each night for the next 6 days, so I better head to bed.  Detox week, bring it on. 

Wish me luck!

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