Sunday, January 16, 2011

Back On the Horse

I ended the detox phase a few days early.  I had a visitor here, and I think it's safe to say that being on detox would not make me a very fun hostess, so I slacked off on the challenge for a bit.  Weekend highlights included The Discovery Place, complete with an IMAX viewing and some live exhibits,

my first-ever fish taco experience (at Rockbottom),

and personal pita pizzas.

I used whole wheat Mediterranean pita bread topped with pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese, a little parmesan cheese, spinach, black olives, mushrooms, black pepper, and basil (baked at 350 for about 13 min.).

Now it's time to refocus.  I hit the gym this afternoon and did 20 minutes of intervals at the highest level on the arc trainer, then 30 easy minutes at "random" on the reclined bike, while perusing the January/February issue of Whole Living (it finally came!).  Now that the detox is over, I can start to intensify my workouts.  Plus, I'll have a lot more options for meals.  Should be a good week!